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Simulations de Test Oral

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Simulations de Test Oral

You can use these on your own to increase your familiarity with the flow of the test. If you are currently in language training, you can use them with your instructor. The simulations can also be used by language training schools, as a preparatory tool.


This package contains 1 free Test of Oral Proficiency simulation. These follow the format of the test that you’ll perform at the Public Service Commission.

You will be evaluated in five areas on the test:

  • Ease and Flow
  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar
  • Pronunciation
  • Listening Comprehension


Following the format of the Test of Oral Proficiency at the Public Service Commission, these practice tests are divided into four parts, each gradually increasing in difficulty.

Part 1: In the first part, you will be asked brief questions about work or other familiar activities.

Part 2: In the second part, you will listen to two short voice-mail messages and two short work-related conversations. Then, you’ll hear some simple follow-up questions.

Part 3: In the third part, you’ll be asked to choose one of three topics and talk for two to three minutes. Then, you’ll hear some simple follow-up questions.

Part 4: In the fourth part, you’ll listen to a longer recording of a work-related conversation. You’ll then need to summarize the conversation and answer follow-up questions.

TIP: If you’re working on these alone, practice speaking your answers aloud to get an idea of how long your answers are.