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Mastering Part 2

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Mastering Part 2

Duration: 20 hours

It will help you work on listening comprehension to understand the questions you will be asked in Part 2 of the TOP and how to answer them in a simple but complete way (There are 12 telephone messages and 7 short conversations).

Vocabulaire: Level B
Comprehension: Level B
Oral: Level B
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Mastering Part 2 Video Tutorial


Mastering Part 2 improves two competencies:
1- Listening comprehension by reinforcing vocabulary and then understanding the meaning of each message.
2-Oral expression by giving the evaluator what is required for each message: the reason, the problem and the solution.

For each recording, you will find 6 progressive activities that will help you to improve your oral comprehension and eventually be able to identify the 3 important points: what is the topic (the reason), what is the problem and what is the solution (what needs to be done)?
1- The Basics: simple comprehension questions about recording
2- Variations I: You must now listen to a slightly modified recording and find out what information has been changed.
3- Variations II: You must now listen to another recording that has been slightly modified and find out what information has been changed.
4- The Topic: You must answer the questions to confirm the subject of the recording.
5- The Issue : You must answer the questions to say what the problem is.
6- The Solution: You must answer the questions to say what the solution is.

INFO: Part 2 of the Test of oral proficiency

Listening and speaking in response to short audio recordings

  1. You listen to two short voice-mail messages (10 to 15 seconds each) and two short work-related conversations (30 to 35 seconds each) twice.
  2. Afterwards, you are asked to identify the reason for the call, what needs to be done or what help is being offered.
  3. Duration: Approximately seven minutes.
  • 12 short messages with progressive activities
  • 7 short conversations with progressive activities
  • Transcripts and audio recordings
  • Work-related vocabulary
Level ALevel BLevel C
Understands most speech that deals with concrete and routine topics and is delivered slowly and clearly in standard speechUnderstands the main points of clear standard speech that deals with concrete, work-related topics and is delivered at normal speedUnderstands linguistically complex speech that deals with work-related topics and is spoken in standard dialect at normal speed
A person speaking at this level can:make themselves understood in short contributions, even though pauses and false starts are very evidenttalk about everyday aspects of routine activitieshandle a simple question-and-answer exchangeA person speaking at this level can:give a simple description of a concrete topicexplain main points comprehensiblycompare and discuss alternatives when complications arisespeak with some spontaneity, although pauses for grammatical and lexical planning and repair are evident in longer stretchesA person speaking at this level can:give clear, detailed descriptions of complex topicssummarize a discussionexpress and sustain opinionsrespond to complex and hypothetical questions
A person speaking at this level:has sufficient basic vocabulary and grammatical structures to conduct routine transactions involving familiar situations and topicsuses structures and vocabulary borrowed from another language which can interfere with the clarity of the messagehas a pronunciation that requires close attention from the listener, but there are no long stretches that are unclearA person speaking at this level:has sufficient vocabulary and a variety of simple grammatical structures to handle concrete, non-routine situations and topics and can link a series of simple elements into a connected sequence when giving a factual descriptionmay be miscommunicating in some areas, but most stretches are clearhas a pronunciation that is generally clear enough to be understood, despite an evident accent from another languagewill, at times, be asked by the listener to repeat or clarifyA person speaking at this level:has a fairly natural and even delivery, with occasional hesitations, but most hesitations are for ideashas a broad range of vocabulary and structures when talking about complex and abstract topics, with a relatively high degree of controlmakes errors, but these rarely lead to misunderstandinghas a pronunciation that is clear, even if an accent from another language is noticeablehas occasional mispronunciations but they rarely interfere with communication

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