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Répondez aux questions simples liées au travail.
(Durée: 2-6min)
[tab title=”Questions”]
[tab title=”Script_des_questions”]
Écoutez chaque enregistrement deux fois et répondez aux question.
(Durée: 7min)
[tab title=”Message_1″]
” Reminder to Email”
Reminder to Email
[tab title=”Script_de_Message_1″]
Bob: Hi Christine, Bob here I am just calling to remind you to send me the email about decisions we made this morning. You know how it is; we have to have the paper trail just in case. I was also thinking that you should cc Marielle just so she knows what we are doing. I think that she is really going to like the idea. Anyway have a good day.
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[tab title=”Message_2″]
[tab title=”Script_de_Message_2″]
Georgia: Good afternoon Mr Bailey, this is Georgia Stevens calling from Stats Canada concerning the package that was sent to you three months ago. I`ve noticed that we haven`t received the complete information back from you as yet. And since it is very important that we have it in order to complete our study. Could you please get back to me at your earliest convenience? Perhaps I can help if there are any questions; I can be reached at 613-994-5151. Thank you and have a good day.
[tab title=”Script_des_Questions”]
[tab title=”Dialogue_1″]
“Hi-Tech People”
Hi-Tech People
[tab title=”Script_de_Dialogue_1″]
David: Hello, is this the high tech people?
Marry: Yes this is David how can I help you
David: Well I don’t know a lot about computers but I am having some problems following its commands
Marry: What does it the computer say you should do?
David: It says that I should hit the key that is not on my keyboard. I`ve looked and I’ve looked but I just can’t find it
Marry: Mm what key does it tell you to use? What exactly does it say?
Hit any key to continue but I can’t find the “any key”. It’s just not there.
David: Mm..Ok..When is says that it just means that any of keys on the computer will work. Just hit any of them
Marry: Well why does it not just say that…geez!
David: Is there anything else I can help you with ma’am
Marry: No that will be all. You’ve been much more helpful than this stupid thing so thank you
David: You’re welcome ma’am. Have a good day.
[tab title=”Script_des_Question”]
[tabs][tab title=”Dialogue_2″]
“Complaints Policy”
Complaints Policy
[tab title=”Script_de_Dialogue_2″]
Michael: Jenny, I need to meet with you sometime this week. There’s been a change in policy concerning complaints and all supervisors are to be notified personally.
Jenny: No problem. I am free this afternoon. Should I bring along my staff?
Michael: That will not be advisable since certain matters are quiet sensitive besides it is recommended that for time being only supervisors and directors should be notified.
Jenny: It sounds pretty serious.
Michael: Not necessarily. It’s more of a question of how the changes will be implemented which could be subject to some debates especially since it’s been left up to each department to decide on how to act the problem.
Jenny: I see we definitely need to agree on the terms of their implementation before notifying all the employees. I am surprise the heads of the department have that much freeway.
Michael: So am I. Even as a director it’s the first time we’ve been given such latitude. Anyhow we will discuss further when we meet which reminds me I can’t meet with you this afternoon. I’ve got a teleconference scheduled. How about Thursday two days will be plenty of time to cancel any other arrangements for both of us that we might have for that day
Jenny: It should be fine. Do you want me to get back to you on that?
Michael: I am afraid that is the only slot that I have available on my agenda.
I see. Well if I have anything planned for that day I will get one of my staff to cover for me.
Michael: I am gonna have to let you go. I have someone on hold and I have to go back to quickly.
Ok so I see you Thursday. Bye.
[tab title=”Script_des_Questions”]
Choisissez un des trois sujets puis faites une présentation en répondant aux questions de suivi
(Durée: 10-12min)
[tab title=”Sujet_1″]
Niveau B :
– How was the change perceived by the employees?
– Do you think that the change was beneficial to the office?
– In your opinion, are change or renewal necessary to growth in the workplace?
– If you could propose a change at your office, what would it be?
Niveau C :
– To what extent is communication important before a change is put into place?
– To what extent is change or renewal necessary to growth in the workplace?
– What do you think of people who are resistant to change?
– What principles should be respected in order to carry out a change well?
[tab title=”Sujet_2″]
Niveau B :
– What would you do differently on that first day if you had a chance?
– What would you propose to facilitate the process of integrating new employees into the workplace?
– In your opinion, was your academic training sufficient to prepare you for your current job?
– From your point of view, what qualities characterize the best managers / employees / directors?
Niveau C :
– What, in your opinion, are the most important capabilities to be looked for in a new employee?
– In your opinion, who should put in the greater effort in order to facilitate the integration of a new employee: the new employee in question, or the members of the team already in place? Justify your answer.
– Have you found that employees who come from the private sector have difficulty adapting to how the public service functions?
– If I were a candidate for your current job, what kind of situation would you put me in so that you could evaluate my competencies?
[tabs][tab title=”Sujet_3″]
Niveau B :
– Do you think that these measures have been beneficial at work?
– How were these measures accepted by employees?
– What are some additional improvements you would like to see in your department?
– If you could create your ideal workplace, what would it be like?
Niveau C :
– To what extent can the measures taken by your department be improved?
– To what extent is it essential to have a good office environment in which to work?
– If you were offered a new position that was more interesting and better paid than your current one, but was also in a less agreeable environment, would you accept it?
– Because of the terrorist threats over recent years, all public organizations have improved their security plans or measures in one way or another. To what extent do you personally believe these measures are effective and necessary?
Écoutez le dialogue deux fois, faites un résumé et ensuite répondez aux questions de suivi
(Durée: 11-13min)
[tab title=”Dialogue”]
“Setting Priorities “
setting priorities
Faites un résumé de ce dialogue.
[tab title=”Script_du_Dialogue”]
Tim: Hi Meg thanks for taking the time to talk with me
Meg: Oh it’s my pleasure Tim. What can I do for you?
Tim: I thought that since you have lots of supervisory experience you might be able to help me with my problem. It’s amazing how different things look from the other side of the table. I am just completely overwhelmed. There are too many things to do, too many people knocking on my door, or phoning or emailing
Meg: Oh..Yes I completely understand and I think I can be of some help to you. Why don’t we consider one aspect first: prioritization? I found that if this is organized other things can fall into place more easily.
Tim: That sounds logical.
Meg: Ok first you should identify your formal priorities. What your job requires you to do.
Tim: Right. But if a have a last minute request for something from a manager?
Meg: Well that then will be put at the top of the list providing you clear at first with your direct supervisor.
Tim: Okay.
Meg: Next it is important to identify what obstacles they may be to meeting your objectives and then deal with those.
Tim: So for instance, if I need more resources, I should arrange that?
Meg: Exactly. After that you can prioritize the flow of the work.
Tim: This sounds very time consuming.
Meg: I think you will find that by spending time writing up your priorities and the work flow, you will altumatly save time in the end. Consider it an investment.
Tim: But you know things are always changing around here so quickly.
Meg: Well they do and your priorities will have to shift accordingly but if you have an initial document to work from changes can be made as required.
Tim: What about all the day-to-day routine paper work?
Meg: I found that it just has to take a back seat sometimes. There only so many hours in a day.
Tim: I guess I’m going to start working overtime.
Meg: Well you know we try to avoid that wherever possible. It’s better to do what you can in your regular work day. We all need time to relax too. Don’t let your personal life be affected by this Tim.
Tim: Thanks for your advice Meg. It’s a great help.
Meg: Oh you welcome.
[tab title=”Questions_de_Suivi”]
[tab title=”Script_des_Questions”]
In your opinion, what sort of training should new supervisors receive in order to be ready for their new responsibilities?
How would you proceed if you were put into a situation where you had an overwhelming number of new duties to deal with?